Meet Christa Yelich-Koth, Sci-Fi Author

My writing journey…


In middle school, I wrote my first short story about two young teens who find a haunted house filled with all sorts of secret passages. I couldn’t believe how much I enjoyed it, like I was actually part of the action. In high school, I worked on a collaborative book series with two of my friends. From that sparked the story of ILLUSION, in which I pictured a scene involving a young woman named Daith who woke up on a space ship with no memories. I wrote the scene down and then had nothing. I’d find out as I wrote more in the future that I never have an ending. All I knew was if I wanted to find out what happened next, I’d have to write more. Most of the time I don’t even know what’s coming next until I’m physically writing it. I’ve definitely had a few “holy crap no way!” moments. 🙂

While working on ILLUSION, I would come in and tell a coworker of mine the scenes I’d written the night before. After several weeks she asked “when are you going to publish this?” It opened a whole new world to me. I’d never really thought of becoming a published writer until that point.

Did I quit my job right then and start on the treacherous path of becoming an author? HECK NO! I figured I should at least finish writing the book first. 🙂 Plus I wanted to complete my B.S. in Biology, which I’m happy to say I did!

During my degree-seeking experience, I wrote THE END on the last page of ILLUSION. I know now that the end of the book is NOT the end of being an author.

So I shopped it around. A lot.


I went to the Southern California Writers Conference in San Diego (which I highly recommend) in spring of 2011. I learned a ton. I met other writers. Editors. Agents. Beginners. Old pros. It was awesome. And I’m very happy to say that from that conference I got an agent! She was great… there was only one problem. Six months after our happy contract, she took a different job.

She was super supportive while our contract drizzled away and put out feelers until the very end. She even got me a publishing offer, which I unfortunately had to turn down.

So there I was, back at square one. I went back to the SCWC the next year. Got some high praise from a talented and old pro writer who recommended me to a publishing company. I sent them ILLUSION and they loved it! One problem… they felt it was a big story that had been scrunched to fit the word count. Which is exactly what it was. They suggested a trilogy. I countered with a two-book combo. They told me to workshop it and get back to them. So I did.

Another year went by, I rewrote, I edited, I got beta readers, all that fun stuff. I resubmitted. They really liked it! Unfortunately, they were not accepting submissions for at least a year. ((They needed to restructure their marketing plan.))

Now it was 2013 and I was still back at square one.

However, I had not been twiddling my thumbs during this time. I’d actually put out a graphic novel in 2012 called HOLLOW (with illustrator Conrad Teves). We self-published under Green-Eyed Unicorn Comics. I was happily surprised at the reception of the comic and it spurred a follow-up series, HOLLOW’S PRISM, which the first three issues are now available.

So I was still writing, I was published, but I wanted to be a novelist, which is my preferred style of writing. That led me back to ILLUSION. After all this, the only thing I knew for sure was that I was having professionals in the field and long-time writers telling me my story was great. I knew it could make it. But how?

While putting out the comics under the Green-Eyed Unicorn Comics label, I realized something. I really LIKED publishing! And I thought I could be good at it. And I really liked the idea of bringing other stories to readers, especially those who blend genres and bring a new perspective to stories.

In 2015 I started Buzz & Roar Publishing with my co-founder Stuart Tighe. And since he is also a big fan of ILLUSION, we decided to use our own company name to put out the book.

Take that crazy path with a gazillion obstacles!

my2Which brings us up to today! I’m co-founder of an amazing publishing company, I have a fan base through my comics, and I’m about to release my first novel, ILLUSION, from the Eomix Galaxy Books collection. I’m not even close to where I want to be, but I’m happy to see where I am so far.


 “Everyone has a story. Some of us have other stories inside that we need to get out. I’m one of those. I’m a writer.”

This is my story. So far… Thanks for being a part of my journey by reading this during my blog tour. My goal is to bring readers great books. I hope you enjoy ILLUSION!


indexcvChrista Yelich-Koth is the author of graphic novel HOLLOW, comic book series HOLLOW’S PRISM and upcoming science fantasy novel ILLUSION from Buzz & Roar Publishing. She has staffed and led a workshop at the Southern California Writer’s Conference, been a panelist at MiniCon, and was co-founder of Green-Eyed Unicorn Comics. She can be reached at Her website is



ILLUSION can be purchased for pre-order (with an exclusive pdf schematic of the Horizon spaceship), at






Published by Christina

Christina OW loves reading novels that take her on a ride of wild emotions. Books have always been an escape for her, for a few hours she gets to live the lives of characters she grows to cherish and admire. She's always had an active imagination and because of it has lived in her head more than she has been in the outside world. She always imagined scenarios and wondered how they would turn out in the end, and what kind of emotions they would invoke.

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