How to Create a Strong Emotional Response in Your Readers

I saw this article and I knew I just had to share it. I’m an emotional reader. If the book doesn’t inspire any kind of emotion in me be it good or bad I don’t stay invested in it. I give up like I would stale chicken. I won’t keep eating it hoping I’ll getContinue reading “How to Create a Strong Emotional Response in Your Readers”

Setting the Scene: The Importance of Location in Fiction by David Pereda

Originally posted on Indigo Sea Press Blog:
My latest thriller, Twin Powers, was officially released by Second Wind Publishing, at the annual Book’Em event held at the Robeson Community College in Lumberton, North Carolina on February 28th. I was part of a three-person panel titled, Setting the Scene: Backdrops. I had great colleagues on the…

Guest post: An Author’s Fan Mail by Roger Hurn

Originally posted on Morgen 'with an E' Bailey:
Today’s guest blog post, on the topic of reader feedback, is brought to you by multi-genre writer Roger Hurn. An Author’s Fan Mail From time to time I receive fan mail. I’m not saying my postman ever risks getting a slipped disk from delivering a bulging bag…

Book Marketing 101: Five Things to Do Before Your Book is Released by Lee & Low Books.

I got this post from Lee & Low Books and I just had to share it. Every author goes through a headless chicken moment right before a book release. This should help some. Authors often ask me: What can I do while I’m waiting for my book to come out? Here are five of my top suggestions:Continue reading “Book Marketing 101: Five Things to Do Before Your Book is Released by Lee & Low Books.”

Author’s Compromising On Their Work

Why do publishers ask for the first three chapters of a MS? Have you ever read the first chapter of a book and found it really bland, but because you’ve spent money on this book, or an author has asked you for an honest review, you push yourself to read at least the next twoContinue reading “Author’s Compromising On Their Work”

Five Habits to Avoid in Fiction Writing

Another great article from Scribendi I just had to share. This site is so great in giving meaningful writing advice, i’ve made it a part of my reading schedule. Make sure you visit this site during your writing journey. I’ve noticed a change in my own writing and it’s just been a week! Bad HabitsContinue reading “Five Habits to Avoid in Fiction Writing”